Friday, October 3, 2014

Lupus Symptoms & Complications

Lupus Symptoms
SLE symptoms may develop slowly over months or years, or they may appear suddenly. Symptoms tend to be worse during winter months, perhaps because prolonged exposure to sunlight in the summer causes a gradual build-up of factors that trigger symptoms months later.

The most common symptom is joint pain, which occurs in about 90% of patients with SLE. Characteristics of this symptom vary widely:

It is often accompanied by swelling and redness.
It can last from hours to months.
It may be mild or severe.
It can occur in one joint, move from one to another, or flare erratically.
Pain often occurs in the morning and improves during the day, only to return later when the patient tires.
The joints most affected are fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. (Joints in the spine and neck are not affected.)
Children may experience these symptoms as growing pains, and, in all patients, they may be the only symptoms for many years.

Fever occurs in 90% of patients with SLE and is usually caused by the inflammatory process of the disease, not by infection. It is low-grade except during an acute lupus crisis.

Three-quarters of patients with SLE have skin inflammation and skin lesions (ulcers, rashes, or other injured areas). About half of these lesions are photosensitive; that is, they are aggravated by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight, even from light coming through a window. (UV radiation may even trigger systemic flares in patients with SLE.)

A number of different skin conditions have been described in patients with SLE.

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus. About 20% of patients have discoid lesions. In such cases, the condition is often known as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). Patients with this condition may have the following skin abnormalities:

Discoid means coin-shaped, so these lesions are round and raised. They are also scaly. Untreated, the margins gradually extend outward as the center dries out and shrivels, causing severe scarring. If discoid lesions appear on the scalp, they can plug hair follicles and cause irreversible hair loss. Discoid lesions can also appear on the upper body.

Lupus, discoid -- view of lesions on the chest: This close-up picture of the neck clearly shows the typical rounded appearance of discoid lupus. The whitish appearance is caused by scaling. The two dark spots are biopsy sites and are not part of the disease.
A butterfly-shaped rash across the face may accompany this condition. This rash causes little scarring, although spidery, branching lines of swollen capillaries (the tiniest blood vessels) may appear.
Most patients with this condition have only a limited skin disorder. In only about 10% of cases does discoid lupus develop into full-blown SLE.

Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) can cause skin lesions on parts of the body that are exposed to sunlight. These lesions do not cause scarring.

Vasculitis. Patients with SLE sometimes develop inflammation in the blood vessels (vasculitis) that may have the following effects on the skin:

Red welts may form across large areas of the body.
Sometimes deep red bumps may appear, particularly on the leg, where they may ulcerate.
In some people, reddish-purple lesions appear on the pads of fingers and toes or near the nails of fingers and toes.
Lesions caused by vasculitis may ulcerate or blister if they erupt on mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, or vagina and can be painful if they occur on the throat.
Vasulitis can attack blood vessels in almost any other organ, including the brain, the heart, and the gastrointestinal tract.
Other symptoms include:

Loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss
Chest pain
Menstrual irregularities
Thought and concentration disturbances
Personality changes
Sleep disorders, such as restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea
Dryness of the eyes and mouth
Brittle hair or hair loss
Hair loss or breakage may also occur in about half of patients with SLE during severe flares or after pregnancy or severe illness. In such cases, hair grows back.

Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition in which cold or stress can cause spasms in impaired blood vessels, resulting in pain in fingers and toes. It occurs as part of the inflammatory response in blood vessels, which can narrow them and reduce circulation. In extreme cases, gangrene can result.

A number of conditions overlap with SLE:

Scleroderma: Hardening of the skin caused by overproduction of collagen
Rheumatoid arthritis: Inflammation of the lining of the joints
Sjogren syndrome: Characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth
Mixed connective tissue disorder: Similar to SLE, but milder
Myositis: Inflammation and degeneration of muscle tissues
Rosacea: Flushed face with pus-filled blisters
Seborrheic dermatitis: Sores on lips and nose
Lichen planus: Swollen rash that itches, typically on scalp, arms, legs, or in the mouth
Dermatomyositis: Bluish-red skin eruptions on face and upper body
Lyme disease: Bulls-eye rash, joint inflammation, and flu-like symptoms

Lupus Overview
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can cause systemic complications throughout the body.

Almost 85% of patients with SLE experience problems associated with abnormalities in the blood.

Anemia. About half of patients with SLE are anemic. Causes include:

Iron deficiencies resulting from excessive menstruation
Iron deficiencies from gastro-intestinal bleeding caused by some of the treatments
A specific anemia called hemolytic anemia, which destroys red blood cells
Anemia of chronic disease
Hemolytic anemia can occur with very high levels of the anticardiolipin antibody. It can be chronic or develop suddenly and be severely (acute).

Antiphospholipid Syndrome. Between 34 - 42% of patients with SLE have antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). This is a specific set of conditions related to the presence of autoantibodies called lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin. These autoantibodies react against fatty molecules called phospholipids, and so are called antiphospholipids. Their actions have complex effects that include causing narrowing and abnormalities of blood vessels.

Patients who have APS have a very incidence of blood clots, which most often occur in the deep veins in the legs. Blood clotting, in turn, puts patients at higher risk for stroke and pulmonary embolism (clots in the lungs).

This picture shows a red and swollen thigh and leg caused by a blood clot (thrombus) in
the deep veins in the groin (iliofemoral veins). Such a clot prevents normal return of blood from the leg to the heart.
The effects on blood vessels have also been associated with confusion, headaches, and seizures. Leg ulcers can also develop.
Patients with APS who become pregnant have a high incidence of pregnancy loss, especially in the late term.
Not all patients with APS carry both of the autoantibodies, and they can also wax and wane and so have varying effects. APS also occurs without lupus in about half of patients with the syndrome.

Thrombocytopenia. In thrombocytopenia, antibodies attack and destroy blood platelets. In such cases, blood clotting is impaired, which causes bruising and bleeding from the skin, nose, gums, or intestines. (This condition can also occur in APS, but it is not considered to be one of the standard features of the syndrome.)

Neutropenia. Neutropenia is a drop in the number of white blood cells. Patients with SLE often neutropenia, but the condition is usually harmless unless the reductions are so severe that they leave the patient vulnerable to infections.

Acute Lupus Hemophagocyte Syndrome. A rare blood complication of SLE that occurs primarily in Asians is called acute lupus hemophagocytic syndrome. It is generally of short duration and characterized by fever and a sudden drop in blood cells and platelets.

Lymphomas. Patients with SLE and other autoimmune disorders have a greater risk for developing lymph system cancers such as Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL).

Heart disease is a primary cause of death in lupus patients. The immune response in SLE can cause chronic inflammation and other damaging effects that can cause significant injury to the arteries and tissues associated with the circulation and the heart. In addition, SLE treatments (particularly corticosteroids) affect cholesterol, weight, and other factors that can also affect the heart.

Patients with SLE, have a higher risk for developing the following conditions, which put them at risk for heart attack or stroke:

Atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup in the arteries
Increased stiffness in the arteries
Unhealthy cholesterol and lipid (fatty molecules) levels
High blood pressure, most likely because of kidney injury and corticosteroid treatments
Heart failure
Pericarditis, an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart
Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle itself (rare)
Abnormalities in the valves of the heart (rare)
Blood clots
The risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke is much higher than average in younger women with SLE. The risks decline as such women age.

SLE affects the lungs in about 60% of patients:

Inflammation of the membrane lining the lung (pleurisy) is the most common problem, which can cause shortness of breath and coughing.
In some cases, fluid accumulates, a condition called pleural effusion.
Inflammation of the lung tissue itself is called lupus pneumonitis. It can be caused by infections or by the SLE inflammatory process. Symptoms are the same in both cases: fever, chest pain, labored breathing, and coughing. Rarely, lupus pneumonitis becomes chronic and causes scarring in the lungs, which reduces their ability to deliver oxygen to the blood.
A very serious and rare condition called pulmonary hypertension occurs when high pressure develops as a result of damage to the blood vessels of the lungs.
The kidneys are a crucial battleground in SLE because it is here that the debris left over from the immune attacks is most likely to be deposited. Also, the immune response can also attack different parts of the kidney causing damage. About 50% of patients with SLE exhibit inflammation of the kidneys (called lupus nephritis).This condition occurs in different forms and can vary from mild to severe. Poor kidney function and kidney failure may result from this damage.

Serious complications occur eventually in about 30% of patients. If kidney injury develops, it almost always occurs within 10 years of the onset of SLE, rarely after that.

Nearly all patients with SLE report some symptoms relating to problems that occur in the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the spinal cord and the brain. CNS involvement is more likely to occur in the first year, usually during flare-ups in other organs.

Symptoms vary widely and overlap with psychiatric or neurologic disorders. They may also be caused by of some medications used for SLE. Central nervous system symptoms are usually mild, but there is little effective treatment available for them. CNS symptoms get worse as the disease progresses.

The most serious CNS disorder is inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain (vasculitis), which occurs in 10% of patients with SLE. Fever, seizures, psychosis, and even coma can occur. Other CNS side effects include:

Emotional disorders (anxiety, depression)
Mild impairment of concentration and memory
Migraine and tension headaches
Problems with the reflex systems, sensation, vision, hearing, and motor control
Infections are a common complication and a major cause of death in all stages of SLE. The immune system is indeed overactive in SLE, but it is also abnormal and reduces the ability to fight infections. Patients are not only prone to the ordinary streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, but they are also susceptible to fungal and parasitic infections (called opportunistic infections), which are common in people with weakened immune systems. They also face an increased risk for urinary tract, herpes, salmonella, and yeast infections. Corticosteroid and immunosuppressants, treatments used for SLE, also increase the risk for infections, thereby compounding the problem.

About 45% of patients with SLE suffer gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, weight loss, mild abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Severe inflammation of the intestinal tract occurs in less than 5% of patients and causes acute cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, and, rarely, intestinal perforation, which can be life-threatening. Fluid retention and swelling can cause intestinal obstruction, which is much less serious but causes the same type of severe pain. Inflammation of the pancreas can be caused by the disease and by corticosteroid therapy.

Arthritis caused by SLE almost never leads to destruction or deformity of joints. The inflammatory process can, however, damage muscles and cause weakness. Patients with SLE also commonly experience reductions in bone mass density (osteoporosis) and have a higher risk for fractures, whether or not they are taking corticosteroids (which can increase the risk for osteoporosis). Women who have SLE should have regular bone mineral density scans to monitor bone health.

Inflamed blood vessels in the eye can reduce blood supply to the retina, resulting in degeneration of nerve cells and a risk of hemorrhage in the retina. The most common symptoms are cotton-wool-like spots on the retina. In about 5% of patients sudden temporary blindness may occur.

In one study, 40% of patients with SLE quit work within 4 years of diagnosis, and many had to modify their work conditions. Significant factors that predicted job loss included high physical demands from the work itself, a more severe condition at the time of diagnosis, and lower educational levels. People with lower income jobs were at particular risk for leaving them.

Women with lupus who conceive face high-risk pregnancies that increase the risks for themselves and their babies. It is important for women to understand the potential complications and plan accordingly. The most important advice is to avoid becoming pregnant when lupus is active.

Research suggests that the following factors predict a successful pregnancy:

Disease state at time of conception. Doctors strongly recommend that women wait to conceive until their disease state has been inactive for at least 6 months.
Kidney (renal) function. Women should make sure that their kidney function is evaluated prior to conception. Poor kidney function can worsen high blood pressure and cause excess protein in the urine. These complications increase the risk for preeclampsia and miscarriage.
Lupus-related antibodies. Antiphospholipid and anticardiolipin antibodies can increase the risks for preeclampsia, miscarriage, and stillbirths. Anti-SSA and anti-SSB antibodies can increase the risk for neonatal lupus erythematosus, a condition that can cause skin rash and liver and heart damage to the newborn baby. Levels of these antibodies should be tested at the start of pregnancy. Certain medications (aspirin, heparin) and tests (fetal heart monitoring) may be needed to ensure a safe pregnancy.

Medication use during pregnancy. Women with active disease may need to take low-dose corticosteroids, but women with inactive disease should avoid these drugs. Steroids appear to pose a low risk for birth defects, but can increase a pregnant woman’s risks for gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, infection, and osteoporosis. For patients who need immunosuppressive therapy, azathioprine (Imuran) is an option. Methotrexate (Rheumatrex) and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) should not be taken during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Risks

Women with lupus are 20 times more likely to die during pregnancy than women without the disease. The risk for maternal death is due to the following serious conditions that can develop during pregnancy:

Miscarriages. About 25% of lupus pregnancies result in miscarriage. The risk is highest for patients with antiphospholipid antibodies, active kidney disease, or high blood pressure.
Blood clots. Women with lupus have a 6 times greater risk for developing deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) than women without the disease.

Clotting complications. Low blood platelet count and anemia are also risks. Women with lupus are 3 times more likely to need a transfusion during pregnancy than women without lupus.
Infections. Blood infections (sepsis), pneumonia, and urinary tract infections are more common in pregnant women with lupus.

Preeclampsia. Women with lupus are three times more likely than healthy women to develop preeclampsia (pregnancy-related high blood pressure), which can be potentially life threatening.
Birth Complications. Women with SLE have an increased risk of having a pre-term birth, stillbirth, or Caesarean section.
Despite these obstacles, many women with lupus have healthy pregnancies and deliver healthy babies. To increase the odds of a successful pregnancy, it is important for women to plan carefully before becoming pregnant. Be sure to find knowledgeable doctors with whom you can communicate and trust. Pregnant women with lupus should try to assemble an interdisciplinary health care team that includes a rheumatologist, high-risk obstetrician, and (for patients with kidney disease) a nephrologist.


Causes/Risk Factors for Lupus


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, often life-long, autoimmune disease. It can be mild to severe, and affects mostly women. SLE may affect various parts of the body, but it most often manifests in the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. SLE was first described in 1828. Its very name helps define the disease:

Systemic is used because the disease can affect organs and tissue throughout the body.
Lupus is Latin for wolf. It refers to the rash that extends across the bridge of the nose and upper cheekbones and was thought to resemble a wolf bite.
Erythematosus is from the Greek word for red and refers to the color of the rash..   
Lupus has many different symptomsn ones include:
Joint pain or swelling
Skin rashes

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a complex disorder that most likely results from a combination of processes and factors.

Environmental factors, such as viruses, exposure to chemicals, or sunlight, trigger inflammatory or immune activity. This immune activation may begin as an appropriate response to an unwanted "invader." But, because of a combination of genetic factors, an individual with lupus develops an ongoing immune response that does not shut itself off appropriately. This leads to waxing and waning flares of inflammation that can involve various organs of the body, depending on specific features of this self-perpetuating immune response in individual patients.

The exact combination of genes that predispose individuals to SLE may differ somewhat from patient to patient, but probably share certain common features which tend to impair the ability of the body to get rid of immune-triggering particles and which tend to prolong or increase the degree of immune responsiveness to these triggers.

A major characteristic of lupus is that it is an autoimmune response in which immune factors, called autoantibodies, attack the person's own cells. Some autoantibodies are normal in a well-balanced immune system, and serve various roles to help the body dispose of wastes, protect from infectious invaders, and to keep blood vessels clear. In healthy people, autoantibodies tend to be well-regulated and well "masked," or covered up, until needed. Therefore, it is probably the high activity and high detestability of autoantibodies that makes lupus unique, not the fact that they exist.

The Normal Immune System Response. The inflammatory process is a byproduct of the activity of the body's immune system, which fights infection and heals wounds and injuries:

When an injury or an infection occurs, white blood cells are mobilized to rid the body of any foreign proteins, such as a virus.
The masses of blood cells that gather at the injured or infected site produce factors to fight any infections.

In the process, the surrounding area becomes inflamed and some healthy tissue is injured. The immune system is then called upon to repair wounds by clotting any bleeding blood vessels and initiating fiber-like patches to the tissue.
Under normal conditions, the immune system has special factors that control and limit this inflammatory process.

The Infection Fighters. B cells and T cells are two important components of the immune system that play a role in the inflammation associated with lupus. Both B cells and T cells belong to a family of immune cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes help fight infection.

B cells and T cells are involved in the immune system's response to infection. Antigens are foreign bodies (such as bacteria and viruses) that stimulate the immune system to produce autoantibodies. When a T cell recognizes an antigen it will produce chemicals (cytokines) that cause B cells to multiply and release many immune proteins (antibodies). These antibodies circulate widely in the bloodstream, recognizing the foreign particles and triggering inflammation in order to rid the body of the invasion.

An antigen is a substance that can provoke an immune response. Typically antigens are substances not usually found in the body.
For reasons that are still not completely understood, both the T cells and B cells become overactive in lupus patients. In lupus, a complex interaction between activated immune cells and an impaired antigen-elimination process leads to a greater than normal range of what the antibodies recognize. Eventually, antibodies are made that recognize more of the body's own tissues in a stronger or more persistent manner than is healthy, and inflammatory responses are mounted in these tissues.

Autoantibodies. In the majority of patients with SLE, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are detectable. Such autoantibodies may be present in individuals up to 7 years prior to their developing symptoms of lupus. Some subtypes of ANA are found in lupus patients and only rarely in people without lupus. These include:

Anti-ds DNA. An autoantibody called anti-double stranded DNA (anti-ds DNA) may play an important role in some lupus patients.
Anti-Sm antibodies. This antibody is found most often in lupus patients of African descent and is almost never detected in people without lupus.
Anti-Ro (SSA) and Anti-La (SSB)
Antiphospholipid antibodies

Cytokines. Most immune cells secrete or stimulate the production of powerful immune factors called cytokines. In small amounts, cytokines are indispensable for maintaining the balance of the body during immune responses, including:
Tissue repair
Blood clotting
Clearing of debris from inflamed blood vessels
Other aspects of healing.
If overproduced, however, they can cause serious damage, including dangerous levels of inflammation and cellular injury. Specific cytokines called interferons and interleukins play a critical role in SLE by regulating the secretion of autoantibodies by B cells.

Complement. Another immune factor of high interest in SLE is the complement system. This is comprised of more than 30 proteins and is important for defending and regulating the immune response. Inherited deficiencies in certain complement components (C1q, C1r, C1s, C4, and C2) have long been associated with SLE.

SLE is a complex disorder and researchers are still in the early stages of unraveling how genetic factors may alter and affect the immune system. Researchers estimate that 20 - 100 different genetic factors may make a person susceptible to SLE.

 The number of people diagnosed with lupus has more than tripled over the past four decades. This may simply indicate a greater degree of doctor training in recognizing the syndrome. GENDER About 90% of lupus patients are women, most diagnosed when they are in their childbearing ages. Hormones may be an explanation. After menopause, women are only 2.5 times as likely as men to contract SLE. Flares also become somewhat less common after menopause in women who have chronic SLE.

African-Americans are three to four times more likely to develop the disease than Caucasians and to have severe complications. Hispanics and Asians are also more susceptible to the disease.

A family history plays a strong role in SLE. A brother or sister of a patient with the disorder has 20 times the risk as someone without an immediate family member with SLE.
The disease is rare in childhood. When it does occur, it is often associated with thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura, a condition resulting from abnormally low levels of blood platelets. SLE in children may also be caused by certain medications, including minocycline and zafirlukast.

Rheumatoid Arthritis. Studies have investigated the relationship among hormones, SLE, and rheumatoid arthritis, another autoimmune disease. Higher levels of estrogen are associated with SLE, while lower levels are associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Some research suggests that some patients, in fact, progress from one disease to the other, and that such transitions occur during major hormonal shifts, such as the onset of menopause or pregnancy. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease that initially attacks the lining, or synovium, of the joints.

Many prescription drugs can cause lupus-like skin symptoms. These include high blood pressure (hypertension) medications, including hydrochlorothiazide, angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, and calcium-channel blockers. About 40 different drugs have been linked to lupus onset. Anyone diagnosed with cutaneous lupus erythematosus should be sure to tell their doctors all the medications (including herbs and supplements) that they are taking.

Smoking. Smoking may be a risk factor for triggering SLE and can increase the risk for skin and kidney problems in women who have the disease.

In genetically susceptible people, there are various external factors that can provoke an immune response. Possible SLE triggers include colds, fatigue, stress, chemicals, sunlight, and certain drugs.

Viruses. Patients with SLE may be more likely to have been exposed to certain viruses than the general population. These viruses include the Epstein-Barr virus (the cause of mononucleosis), cytomegalovirus, and parvovirus-B1. In particular, some research suggests a strong association between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and increased risk of lupus, particularly for African-Americans.

Sunlight. Ultraviolet (UV) rays found in sunlight are important SLE triggers. When they bombard the skin, they can alter the structure of DNA in cells below the surface. The immune system may perceive these altered skin cells as foreign and trigger an autoimmune response against them. UV light is categorized as UVB or UVA depending on the length of the wave. Shorter UVB wavelengths cause the most harm.

Chemicals. Clusters of SLE cases have occurred in populations with high exposure to certain chemicals. Chlorinated pesticides and crystalline silica are two suspects. A number of other chemicals are under investigation. However, it is very difficult to determine a causal role for any specific chemicals. (Silicone breast implants have been under intense scrutiny as a possible trigger of autoimmune diseases, including SLE. The weight of evidence to date, however, finds no support for this concern.) Some drugs have been associated with a temporary lupus syndrome (drug-induced lupus), which resolves when these drugs are stopped.

Hormones. Cytokines, major immune factors that are active in SLE, are directly affected by sex hormones. In general, estrogen enhances antibody production, and testosterone reduces antibody production, although their exact role in SLE may be more complicated than that since there are various ways in which each hormone might influence various immune cells. Women with SLE may have lower levels of several active male hormones (androgens), and some men who are affected by SLE may also have abnormal androgen levels. Premature menopause, and its accompanying symptoms (such as hot flashes), is common in women with SLE. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is used to relieve these symptoms, increases the risk for blood clots and heart problems. It is not clear whether HRT triggers SLE flares. Women should discuss with their doctors whether HRT is an appropriate and safe choice. Guidelines recommend that women who take HRT use the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible time. Women with SLE who have active disease, antiphospholipid antibodies, or a history of blood clots or heart disease should not use HRT.

Oral Contraceptives. Female patients with lupus used to be cautioned against taking oral contraceptives (OCs) due to the possibility that estrogen could trigger lupus flare-ups. However, recent evidence indicates that OCs are safe, at least for women with inactive or stable lupus. Women who have been newly diagnosed with lupus should avoid OCs. Lupus can cause complications in its early stages. For this reason, women should wait until the disease reaches a stable state before taking OCs. In addition, women who have a history of, or who are at high risk for, blood clots (particularly women with antiphospholipid syndrome) should not use OCs. The estrogen in OCs increases the risk for blood clots.

Sources:,, hopkinslupus,