Fibromyalgia Treatment: Historical perspectives on the development of the fibromyalgia
1981 -The first clinical, controlled study of the characteristics of fibromyalgia syndrome was published
1984 -An interconnection between fibromyalgia syndrome and other similar conditions was proposed
1986 -Trials of the first proposed medications for fibromyalgia were published
1987 -Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) describes fibromyalgia syndrome as a “controversial condition”
1990 -The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) published its first classification criteria for fibromyalgia
1990 – The AMA recognizes fibromyalgia
1993 – The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes fibromyalgia
Chronic Pain is the most prominent symptom of fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia patients have an increased sensitivity to many different sensory stimuli.The pain of fibromyalgia can be exacerbated by sensory stressors of noise, weather change, anxiety, or emotional stress.
Studies reveal that this is due to the fact that FM patients experience a lack of level 4 or deep rejuvenating sleep. Although they can fall asleep quickly, their deep sleep is interrupted by burst of awake-like brain activity. A vast majority of FM patients experience non-restorative sleep. Lack of rejuvenating sleep leaves the FM patient highly fatigued. Fatigue occurs in 90% of fibromyalgia patients.
Consequently, patients often awaken in the morning without feeling fully rested. Some patients awaken with muscle aches or a sensation of muscle fatigue as if they had been ‘working out’ all night!
Depression, Axiety & StressMore than half of fibromyalgia patients experience additional symptoms such as; poor concentration, forgetfulness, mood changes, irritability, depression, increased stress and anxiety.
FibroFogIs a commonly reported symptom of Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia patients often describe multiple sensations of fatigue and listlessness combined with transitory states of confusion, poor attention and concentration, and short-term memory loss.
Additional symptoms of fibromyalgia include headaches, dizziness, numbness/tingling, and abdominal pain. Over 80% of fibromyalgia patients sufferchronic headaches.
What Causes Fibromyalgia?
Although there is no definitive agreement on one single cause for fibromyalgia, current research has uncovered clues to what “triggers” or “predisposes” an individual to develop fibromyalgia.
- Stress and/or depression
- Traumatic emotional experience (divorce, abuse, etc.)
- Traumatic physical experience (car accident, neck injury*, etc.)
- Systemic toxicity (food, air, water)
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Sleep disturbances
- Family history
- Localized or systemic infection
- Nutrient deficiencies due to poor nutritional habits
- Lack of exercise and cardiovascular activities
GITract/Digestion and Fibromyalgia
Studies reveal that approximately 70% of Fibromyalgia sufferers also suffer from chronic digestive problems.Complications/Contributors:
- High stress levels
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Food and chemical sensitivities
- Microbe infections
- Medication overuse
- Anxiety
The Hormone Connection
- Serotonin
- Cortisol
- Estrogen
- Thyroid Hormones
Research has revealed that chronic stress and fatigue, both experienced by and with FM patients, affect hormone levels. Chronically high stress levels lead to a high level of the hormone cortisol. High cortisol is associated with depression and obesity, both which are seen in high percentages with Fibromyalgia.
Estrogen has in influence on serotonin levels, and in the presence of lower estrogen levels, serotonin levels are also lowered. This may help to explain why many Fibromyalgia patients experience worsened symptoms during their periods, and at menopause.
Thyroid Gland
Estrogen also affects the thyroid gland and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), the hormone that regulates the thyroid gland by causing the release of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Lower levels of TSH affect the thyroid gland are important in metabolism, and are thought to play a role in the fatigue factor seen in Fibromyalgia patients.
DHEA is an adrenal gland hormone that has been linked to depression and fatigue, and has been found in lower levels in Fibromyalgia patients.
Growth Hormone
Growth hormone is almost exclusively produced during deep sleep (level 4), however it is also produced during exercise – both of which are decreased in Fibromyalgia patients.Growth hormones are produced in the anterior pituitary gland are important in metabolism, particularly fat burning and muscle building.
Fibromyalgia and the Immune System
The relationship between chronic stress and the function of the immune system has been well established. Recent research has linked fibromyalgia and a depressed immune system:
- Natural killer cells that fight bacteria are less active in Fibromyalgia patients. This may help to explain why Fibromyalgia patients are prone to infections.
- Depression has also been linked to a depressed immune system
- Approximately 60% of Fibromyalgia patients also have bacterial and virus infections that have been linked to a depressed immune system
- FM patients are more likely to have gastrointestinal tract viral antibodies
- Energy Production and Fibromyalgia
- Recent research has revealed that Fibromyalgia patients are deficient in certain compounds that are required for the body to produce energy.
The 3 main compounds lacking are:
- Magnesium
- Substrate oxygen
- Phosphates
Deficiencies of these key compounds seriously impede the energy producing Kreb’s Cycle decreasing the body’s ability to use oxygen for muscle energy. These deficiencies clearly lead to fatigue, depression and muscle pain – which are major symptoms found in Fibromyalgia patients.
Magnesium and Malic Acid – Detoxifiers
Aluminum’s role as a detrimental toxin has been clearly established in the literature. Many symptoms experienced by FM are the same as those found with aluminum toxicity. Therefore detoxifying the body of this deadly metal is critical.
It has been found that by combining magnesium and malic acid can effectively decrease the levels of aluminum in all vital organs, especially the brain. A research study on 15 Fibromyalgia patients found that after taking 1,200-2,400 mg of malic acid with 30-600 mg of magnesium daily that all 15 patients reported significant pain relief within 48 hours of treatment!
Manganese and Fibromyalgia
Manganese has been found to directly influence metabolic rate (via its involvement in the production of hormones that directly impact the thyroid gland).
Diagnosing Fibromyalgia
“Rule out other illnesses first.FM is then a diagnosis of exclusion.”Roland Strand, Fibromyalgia Expert
Step 1: Rule out other illnesses
The following illnesses must be ruled out first (not a complete list):
- Candidadiasis (yeast infection)
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic infection
- Depression or related psychological conditions
- Digestive disorders, including IBS
- Hypothyroidism
- Immune deficiencies
- Lyme disease
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Step 2: Fibromyalgia Diagnosis Criteria
1. Widespread history of pain.The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) developed and published the tender point classification for fibromyalgia diagnosis. The patient must have tender points in 11 of the 18 locations described in the ACR criteria. Pain is produced by placing the equivalent of 4 pounds of pressure on the tender point locations. This amount of pressure should not normally produce pain.
2. The pain must be chronic (longer than 3 months).
3. The pain must be located bilaterally (meaning found on both the right and left sides of the body) and also in the upper and lower parts of the body. This is defined as pain found in all 4 quadrants, upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left.
he ACR landmark study published in the February 1990 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism, was proof positive that fibromyalgia was indeed a syndrome and diagnosis.
1. The study consisted of 558 patients, 265 of which were classified with fibromyalgia syndrome.2. The remaining 293 were not normal healthy patients but instead had many other painful conditions, such as, back pain, neck pain, trauma-related pain syndromes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and many others.3. When the examiners were asked to pick the fibromyalgia patients, using the ACR 11/18 criteria, they were able to pin point with 88% accuracy those that were classified with fibromyalgia syndrome!
ACR Fibromyalgia Tender Points
After the diagnosis: Now What?
Once the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made, it is important to create your fibromyalgia team. This is your personal team that is going to fight the battle with you, and help you to live your best life!
Fact or Fiction?
Fibromyalgia cannot be cured.Fibromyalgia CAN be cured!Fibromyalgia cannot be cured is what most fibromyalgia patients are told. They have to live with it for the rest of their lives. This is absolutely not true. However, it will not be easy, and there is no magic pill. It takes fierce determination and dedication to yourself, if you are going to live your best life now!
Medication Disclaimer: A few points regarding medications
- I am not anti–all medications. Some medications are life saving. I am opposed to the mindset that all of society’s problems can be overcome by popping a pill, especially fibromyalgia.
- Do not stop any medication without first speaking to the doctor that prescribed it.
“If you can treat a symptom with a simple change in diet like giving up caffeine, why pay for a prescription drug that carries harmful and symptom exacerbating side effects?”
Dr. Joseph M. Elrod, Fibromyalgia Expert and AuthorThe Fibromyalgia Nutrition Guide and Reversing Fibromyalgia
Medication’s Role in Fibromyalgia
Dr. Joseph M. Elrod goes on to say,“Overall, this treatment method (medication) has not been very effective and, as a result, the treatment of fibromyalgia has been frustrating for both patients and physicians.The major problem with drug treatments is that often, instead of getting to the source of the problem, they merely mask the symptoms.
Also, there are almost always side effects, and very often these side effects can exacerbate the original problem and/or cause other problems that are as serious as the original condition.”
You Deserve Another Approach
In a review in the 2009 Journal of Rheumatology, fibromyalgia researcher H.A. Smythe writes (regarding medication for FM), “patients receive some benefit, but when side effects make the patient dull, lethargic, or overweight, neither their goals nor those of society are satisfactorily met”.
Dull – Lethargic – Overweight: Medication is NOT the Solution.
Is it worth it?The chances that a medication will effectively reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms are usually less than 50 percent, and quite often the drug will produce intolerable side effects. Given these odds, the trial and error process is a difficult road for fibromaylgia patients to take.
Quite Often The Drug Produces Intolerable Side Effects
Fibromyalgia medication: PROVIGILThe common side effects consisted of headache, nausea, nervousness, anxiety, dizziness, and insomnia. One-half experienced intolerable side effects.
This is right off the Lyrica website:LYRICA may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people, about 1 in 500 (we’ll do the math here). Call your doctor right away if you have new or worsening depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. If you have suicidal thoughts or actions, do not stop LYRICA without first talking to your doctor.Some of the most common side effects of LYRICA are dizziness, blurry vision, weight gain, sleepiness, trouble concentrating, swelling of your hands and feet, dry mouth, and feeling “high”.
Let’s calculate that “very small number of people”
The “1 in 500” Math:
- = 10 in 5,000
- = 100 in 50,000
- = 1,000 in 500,000
- = 10,000 in 5,000,000
- = 20,000 in 10,000,000
20,000 people is NOT a very small number of people in my book!
Guiding Principle: Your Commitment To You
- You! You are the most important member of the team. As you will see it is your personal decision, determination, and dedication to make daily decisions that are in your best interest. Remember, no matter how many team members you have, you are your greatest asset, and your greatest adversary!
- Choose your “Living Your Best Life” Quarterback
- Nutritional Advisor
- Personal Trainer
- Allergist
- Internist
- NeuroMusculoSkeletal Specialist
You are your greatest asset, and your greatest adversary!
Finding your “Quarterback”It is imperative that you find the right “Quarterback” for your care. That is the physician that is willing to coordinate your care.What makes a good Quarterback?
- Fibromyalgia Expert
- Team Player
- Works well other healthcare practitioners.
Every Team Needs A Leader – Choose Yours Wisely!
Your CommitmentAlthough fibromyalgia is not in your head, your first step to living your best life now is! What lies inside your head is your greatest asset to winning the battle against fibromyalgia.
You may find this 4 part process to be effective in understanding how lifestyle behaviors all begin inside your head.
Thoughts -> Actions -> Habits -> Lifestyle Behavior
Your thoughts determine your actions. If you take the same action for 15-30 days, you create a habit. If you apply the habit for 6-9 months, you develop a lifestyle behavior pattern.
So, begin your day with thoughts that lead to the actions, habits and lifestyle behaviors that are helpful for living your best life. Daily determination and discipline to make the decisions that are going to create long term results are critical to living your best life.Daily Determination & Discipline to Make Healthy Decisions.
Personal Commitment StatementI ___________________ commit to one thing and one thing only, that I am important enough, valuable enough, and special enough to give myself every opportunity to live my best life from today forward.
Regardless of what lies behind me, I am deciding today to leave my luggage at the door and move onto to thinking the thoughts, taking the actions, developing the habits and creating the lifestyle that I deserve. In the process, I will search for ways to give to others what I have learned on my journey, so that I can fulfill the purpose for which I was created.Date: ______________________ Signature: _______________________Pick an “encourager” to keep you accountable to your goals.
Fibromyalgia Treatment: 7 Steps to Winning the Battle
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 1 - Protect Your Sleep
- Viciously Protecting Your Sleep
- Detoxifying & Cleansing
- Healthy Eating Habits
- Nutritional Supplementation
- Stress Management
- Aerobic Conditioning & Exercise
- Your NeuroMusculoSkeletal System
Step 1: Viciously Protect Your Sleep
- Cut down or cut out caffeine.
- Commit to start and stick to a regular exercise program.
- Develop a regular sleep schedule.
- Spend the last hour winding down before bed.
- Herbal sleeping promoting remedies
- Your sleep environment
1. Cut down or cut out caffeine.As hard as it may be to cut out caffeine it is a critical step to living your best life. Caffeine’s effect on the body can last for hours, and can reek havoc on your sleep.Become a master in regards to foods containing caffeine or other hidden stimulants, and decisively determine to cut them out of your day.
2. Commit to start and stick to a regular exercise program.Again, as difficult as it is to incorporate into today’s hectic schedules, few things are better for your body than exercise. Research has found that exercise reduces stress, increases muscle flexibility and importantly reduces stress and increases sleep. More on exercise in step 6.
3. Develop a regular sleep schedule.Your body remembers and responds best to patters of activity – this includes sleep.Developing and adhering to a regular sleep schedule is one of the most important things you can do the opportunity for you to enjoy a restful night sleep. Going to bed at the same time and following the same routine can work wonders for you.
4. Spend the last hour winding down before bed.I know this seems impossible…One of the best things you can do to decrease stress, and therefore reduce muscle tension, which yields more restful sleep, is to spend the last 30-60 minutes winding down.Take a hot bath, review tomorrow’s agenda, review your goals, read motivating books and articles. Keeping a pad by your bedside allows you to write down what’s on your mind, and reduces stress.
5. Herbal sleeping promoting remediesNote: Each person responds to herbs and nutritional supplements differently:
- Ginseng
- Chamomile Tea
- Melatonin
- Valerian Root
- Passion Flower
6. Your sleep environmentSleep and wakefulness are regulated by circadian rhythms in a 24 hour cycle. The cycle is controlled by exposure to light and secretion of hormones, particularly melatonin. Using heavy curtains to block out light, as well as white noise to eliminate waking prematurely due to additional environmental noises, are very effective in promoting more restful sleep.
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 2 - Detoxify & Cleanse
Step 2: Total Body Detoxification & CleanseStudies show that today’s societies are more toxic today than in other generation. The combination of pollution, processed foods and food additives, dehydration, to name a few, are being stored in our body’s tissues in more and more quantities each and every day.
Detoxifying and cleansing our body has tremendous health benefits – at every cellular level.The benefits are far reaching including increased energy levels, improved sleep, healthy and more vibrant skin, enhanced muscle tone and flexibility, and an improved immune system.
Step 3: Healthy Eating HabitsIf you do nothing else, but listen and implement the following recommendations as they relate to your dietary habits, you’ll be among the healthiest people that you know. In fact, you’ll be within the top 10% of all Americans simply be committing to disciplining yourself to make high value choices.
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 3 - Healthy Eating Habits
- Think twice before you choose what eat
- Remember that half the battle is what you put into your body, the other half is what you do with your body!
The Role of Diet“The lack of proper nutrition and improper eating habits cause many of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.” Mary Moellar, LPN, author of The Fibromyalgia Nutrition Guide.
The foods that we eat have a tremendous affect on the way our body functions, and is a critical element in living your best life. Slight modifications or enhancements to your current nutritional program can make dramatic results.
- Eat every few hours
- Include snacks in your daily routine
- Eliminate simple sugars
- Completely eliminate junk foods and fast foods
The foods we eat affect our:
- Immune System Stability
- Joint & Muscle Health
- Sleep, Fatigue & Energy Levels
- Your Ideal Body Weight
- Other Health Disorders
1. Eat every few hours.To maintain energy, avoid getting too hungry, and to keep your metabolism at its peak, ensure that you eat every few hours (six times a day). The key is small more frequent meals, and healthy snacks.
2. Include snacks in your daily routine.Stash healthy snacks at home and at the office. Healthy choices include sliced fruits and veges, handful of unsalted nuts, half a protein bar (save other half for later).Preemptively preparing your snacks, and meals at work will go a long way to helping you live your best life.
3. Eliminate simple sugars.Yup, you hear me correctly. Remember this is a battle; high sugar increases not only your waist line but also your pain levels. Treat yourself well by committing to eliminate simple sugars from your health habits. Few choices will help you more. Replace the cookies, candy, cakes, fruit juices, etc. with healthier choices. You can and you must.
4. Completely eliminate junk foods and fast foods.Remember your commitment to you. I understand that this takes spirited discipline, determination and dedication. There is absolutely nothing of lasting benefit or value in eating fast foods that have dozens of additives and preservatives. These are the very items that cause food sensitivities, obesity, pain and inflammation.
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 4 - Nutritional Supplementation
Step 4: Nutritional SupplementationIt’s well known that the average American diet does not contain the necessary levels of nutrients for our body’s to remain healthy.Therefore supplements are no longer a luxury, but a necessity.
“If it’s not in the soil – it’s not in the apple.”
Level I – The FundamentalsStick to this for 30 days before moving to Level II.
- Water – 6 glasses a day, pure, filtered
- Take daily Multivitamin-Multimineral
- Fiber intake – 25 grams/day (Average American 5 to 10 grams/day)
- Eat 6 times per day (including snacks)
- Buy your food fresh, organic if possible. Prepare your food at home.
- Choose snacks wisely. (ensure you are not hypersensitive to snack)
- Eliminate 1 poor health choice – for example: Diet drinks.
Choose:1. The first of you Big 3 that you will ruthlessly battle for the next 30 days(commit to giving it everything you’ve got to defeat it)For example: Sleep disturbances, and take the recommended actionsto overcome it. See supplements for symptoms list.
Level II – IntermediateStick to this for 30 days before moving to Level III.In addition to the Fundamental Level I recommendations -
Choose:1. 2nd poor health choice to eliminate – perhaps refined sugar2. Pick 2nd of the Big 3 symptoms and give it you best shot. Follow the recommendations on the supplement list.
Level III – AdvancedYou’ll be absolutely amazed at the changes you’ll make in 90 daysIn addition to the Intermediate Level II recommendations -
Choose:1. To eliminate 3rd poor health choice – maybe caffeine – yes you can!2. Pick 3rd of the Big 3 symptoms and pound it for the last 30 days.
Symptom Targeted Supplementation
- Pain
- Sleep
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Stress & Anxiety
1. Pain
- Magnesium and malic acid combination
- Natural anti-inflammatories such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM and flaxseed oil
- Feverfew for headaches
2. Sleep
- 5-HTP
- Melatonin
- Valerian root, Passion flower
3. Fatigue
- Magnesium and malic acid combination
- Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
- Vitamin B12
- Ginkgo biloba
4. Depression
- 5-HTP
- St. John’s Wort
- SAME-e
- Flaxseed oil
5. Stress & Anxiety
- B Vitamins
- Inositol
- Calcium, Magnesium
- Digestive Enzymes
- Valarian root, Passion flower
- Schiasandra
Wellness Targeted Supplementation
- Immune System
- Digestive System
- Hormonal Balance
1. Immune System
- Colostrum
- Vitamin A, C, E
- Zinc
- Echinacea
- Cinnamon
- Garlic
- Golden seal
- Grapeseed extract
- Lipoic acid
2. Digestive System
- Probiotics
- Amylase
- Lipase
- Papain
- Protease
- Cellulase
- Bromelain
Deficiency Targeted SupplementationHormonal Balance: Serotonin
- St. John’s Wart
- 5-HTP
- L-Tyrosine
Hormonal Balance: Adrenals
- Vitamins B, C
- Hydrolyzed Collagen
- Adrenal Glandular
- Cordyceps
- 5-HTP
- Digestive Enzymes
Additional Supplementation
1. Bee pollenConsidered one of the most complete foods that we can consume, bee pollen is very high in protein, a rich source of vitamins and minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and enzymes.
The benefits of bee pollen are numerous and worth listing;* Aids in hormonal balance* Normalizes intestinal activity* Strengthens immune system
2. B vitaminsVitamin B12 is central to immune process. Vitamin B6 is critical for maintaining healthy white blood cells.
3. Coenzyme Q 10Co Q-10 is a powerful anti-oxidant that increases circulation and is utilized by the muscles for energy and to enhance metabolism.
4. EchinaceaA natural antibiotic, echinachea also stimulates the immune system response and fortifies its ability to resist infection, produce white blood cells and purify the blood.
5. Iron, Chromium and ManganeseAll 3 in appropriate dosages are critical for an effective and efficient immune system.
6. PycnogenolA powerful anti-oxidant, 50 times stronger than vitamin E.
7. Rice Bran ExtractContains 3 polyphenols that are 6,000 times more powerful than vitamin E.
8. Selenium and ZincSelenium works synergistically with other nutrients to boost the immune system, and help with growth and healing. Zinc helps the body to absorb nutrients, increases the immune system and metabolism, and aids in digestion.
9. Vitamins A, C, and EThe most commonly know anti-oxidants, they also enhance the immune system and the body’s resistance to infection.
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 5 - Stress Management
Step 5: Stress ManagementChronic stress floods the body with stress-related hormones and chemicals that debilitate you over time. In the process, chronic stress suppresses the immune system. By changing your attitude, your expectations and your vision of yourself, you can change your condition and your health.
- A quick nap can do wonders for reducing your stress and tension.
- Getting together with friends or family is very effective at reducing stress.
- Going for a quick walk or run does wonders for decreasing your stress levels.
Step 6: Aerobic Exercise & Conditioning
The Role of ExerciseAlthough much debate exists about the role exercise should play in caring for fibromyalgia patients, studies show it is an essential ingredient.
The key here is: “Know your limitations.”
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 6 - Exercise
Exercise has the following effects on the body:1. It can raise the level of growth hormone as we have discussed2. It raises the good cholesterol HDL3. It increases serotonin levels4. Increases energy and decreases fatigue5. Elevates mood and therefore decreases depression
RESEARCH: Fibromyalgia and Exercise
This study evaluated combining aerobic exercises with strength training exercisesAerobic exercise walking on treadmill, initially for 20 min and increasing up to 30 min as the patient tolerated.
- Aerobic exercise intensity was 60–70% of age-adjusted maximum heart rates (220 minus age in years).
- Patients in the strengthening exercise group consisted of upper and lower limb muscles and trunk muscles, initially with 4–5 repetitions and progressing to 12 repetitions gradually. Patients began with resistance levels they could do easily, and weight was increased gradually according to patient’s tolerance.
- Pain, sleep, fatigue, tender point counts, 6-min walk distances, depression, and quality of life all improved
Note: No patient experienced musculoskeletal injury or exacerbation of fibromyalgia-related symptoms during the intervention.
Fibromyalgia Treatment: Step 6 - Your NeuroMusculoSkeletal System
Step 7: Your NeuroMusculoSkeletal System
Spinal anatomy slideVertebral anatomy slideSpinal nerve slideStructure Dictates FunctionThe basic premise of chiropractic is simply this; we were all created with an inborn, innate or God given intelligence that runs, regulates, coordinates, heals and controls every function in our body through our nervous system.
Chiropractic care is founded on the scientific principle that when the spine is aligned, your nervous system and, therefore, your body can reach its peak level of performance. It’s that simple.
Any time a vertebra (spinal segment) is not positioned correctly, the brain and body can not communicate properly. The misaligned vertebra or SUBLUXATION places pressure upon the nerve causing it to function at less then 100% efficiency.
*It has been found that compression as little as the weight of a dime on a nerve can cause decrease nerve function.Sharpless, SK: Susceptibility of spinal roots to compression block. NINCDS Monograph 15, DHEW publication (NIH) 76-998, 1975, pp155-61. Konno S, Olmarker K, Byrod G, et al: Intermittent cauda equina compression. Spine 1995; 20(1):1223. Rydevik, BL: The effects of compression on the physiology of the nerve roots. JMPT 1992;15(1):62. Hause, M: Pain and the nerve root. Spine 1993;18(14):2053. 5.
Fibromyalgia Treatment & Chiropractic
Credibility: Chiropractic Research
RESEARCH: Chiropractic & fibromyalgiaA combined ischemic compression and spinal manipulation in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a preliminary estimate of dose and efficacy.Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2000 May;23(4):225-30. Hains G, Hains F. J
Sixty patients undertook 30 treatments combining ischemic compression and spinal manipulation. At the midway point, participants reported a significant lessening of pain and an improvement in quality of sleep and fatigue level.
After 30 treatments, respondents reported the following:
- 77.2% Decrease in pain intensity
- 63.5% Improvement in sleep quality
- 74.8% Improvement of in fatigue level
In 2007 the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society included spinal manipulation as a viable treatment option.
Acute and chronic chiropractic patients experienced better outcomes in;
- Pain
- Functional disability
- Patient satisfaction

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